Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to all your questions in our comprehensive FAQ section. We've got you covered!

How quickly will my order be shipped?

We're fast here at RSShop! Orders placed before 5:00 PM are usually dispatched the same day. We'll send you a confirmation email with tracking details as soon as your order is on its way.

Can I return an item if I'm not satisfied?

Absolutely! If your purchase didn't quite hit the mark, you can return your item within 14 days of purchase. For a step-by-step guide to our return process, check out our return policy page.

Can I change my order after I've placed it?

We understand that things change. If your order hasn't been shipped yet, we can jump in to help. Just respond with your order number as soon as possible and we'll do our best to assist.

Do you offer international shipping?

You bet! We're proud to deliver our products to tool enthusiasts around the globe. Shipping costs and delivery times vary by location, so check out our shipping page for all the details.

More Questions?



About Us

Welcome to RSShop, the family-run haven for all things DIY. Our story is a tale of humble beginnings, unwavering grit, and a commitment to serving you - our cherished community.

In 2003, we took our first step into the entrepreneurial world, selling blank CDs on eBay. That simple beginning marked the genesis of a journey that has led us to serve over 3 million satisfied customers across eBay and Amazon.

Over time, our little family venture blossomed into a vibrant marketplace for DIY enthusiasts. Your positive feedback - millions of them - stand as testaments to our efforts and drive us forward.

Our Mission

When the world faced an unprecedented challenge during the COVID-19 pandemic, we stayed resilient. As businesses slowed down, we persisted, ensuring that your projects and our promises were never put on hold. We adapted, learned, and pushed forward, strengthening the bond between us and our extended family - you, our customers.

Today, we continue our growth, inspired by your dreams and guided by your needs. We never forget our roots or the lessons learned during our journey. With every sunrise, we strive to serve you better, turning your aspirations into achievements.

Welcome to RSShop. Here, every tool contributes to your story, and we're thrilled to be part of it. Thank you for choosing us as your dependable partner in every endeavor.